Admission is contingent on the availability of space in the center. Upon registering in the
before and aftercare you will need the following forms completed:
- Health Inventory
- Emergency Card
- Enrollment Application
- All About Me
- Signed Parent Handbook Acknowledgement
The Maryland State Department of Education requires that all programs have the required forms on file before the child’s first day of attendance. Each child must have immunizations up to date based on the requirement of Maryland Health Department. These are checked regularly and when not kept current, your child may be excluded from the center.
- New Year’s Eve
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Presidents Day
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- Memorial Day
- Fourth of July
- Labor Day
- Veteran’s Day
- Columbus Day
- Thanksgiving Day and the Day after
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
- Day after Christmas.
Parent's Responsibilities
Tuition is due regardless of attendance in the program. Weekly tuition is due on Friday before the first scheduled day of the upcoming week. If payment in full is not received by close of business Monday 6pm, a late fee of $15.00 per day will be added to your account. It is understood that if your tuition is not kept current your child will be terminated from the program until the account is re-instated and all late fees have been paid. In the event that Future Leaders is forced to close temporarily because of an act of God and or public health crisis such as coronavirus, some other emergency, government agency shutdowns, or because we believe it is in our best interest of everyone that we do so (Future Leaders will be charging a holding fee in the amount of 50% of your current tuition rate). Parents will have the right to terminate services by giving two-week written notice or pay a holding fee in the amount of 50% of their current tuition in order to reserve their child’s enrollment.
Your account will be charged a fee of $35.00 per returned check. If more than two checks are turned in within a calendar year the parent/guardian will be required to pay the bill by cash or money order each time payment is due. There will be no exceptions.
Preschool accounts must pay a Book Fee $65.00 this covers the cost of books and other Abeka supplies.
A late pick-up fee of $1.00 per minute payable immediately upon pick up to attending staff will be assessed to parents/ guardians picking up their children after 6:00. This late pick-up fee will be due at the time of pick-up or the next day prior to services being rendered. Late pick-ups are strongly discouraged as they affect staff schedules and impact their personal commitments.